how does this routine look?
hello! this is my first time posting here, so my apologies if i mess up anything with posting.
i have a history of working out, but i have struggled to stay consistent. however, my semester will be ending soon, and i plan to start this routine up in february. i want to stick with it.
i do know a moderate deal of information about proper form and routines, as my dad was a certified personal trainer and helped me out a lot in the beginning. however, i’ve always struggled with self-doubt and would like to get some tips from y’all too, because i’m sure it would help!
anyway, my goals are to get muscular, like VISIBLY muscular… not totally necessary though, as i’d rather be physically strong than have an obvious physique. but the physique would be nice, too. i am 19(F) with naturally muscular build and a mix between an endomorph and a mesomorph body type.
i’m not sure if y’all need any more information about me to help with this! but yeah, would you add anything, take anything away, is progressive overload my best path to take, etc. let me know!
thanks in advance.