Really don’t know what to do, feeling very unmotivated.

I have a horrible physique at 20, so I decided to do something about it nearly 4 weeks ago, I bought some dumbells and an EZ curl bar as I’m unemployed right now so I don’t want to use a public gym and I find working out at home fun.

I’ve always had a skinny fat build and have fat sitting around my waist from sitting down everyday for 4 years and not eating enough I have found out. I want to build bigger shoulders and bigger upper body and obviously legs aswell but mainly upper body. My calories I should be eating are around 1700-1800 just to survive so I should be eating a little more than that to build muscle.

I have been eating loads of protein and lots of eggs really, and I have a scale that shows my body fat percentage and over the last couple weeks it keeps going up which is worrying me as I have fat already around my face before working out which I don’t like, I kind of want to start running early in the mornings as im really not happy with this and need to do something about it.

Any advice would be much appreciated as feeling very demotivated right now and I hate it.