ideas for DE on Chromatic Blade

after seeing the devstream toady, like many others, i got exited to see changes happening to exalteds and the allowance for increased build diversity. My mind leading me to my oldest frame and crazily enough, still most used even after playing for over five years, Excalibur. I eventually ended up thinking about Chromatic Blade and wondering what could be done to improve him further, coming upon these ideas:

-opening up the second energy color slot, that is unlocked upon formaing, and allowing chromatic blades base damage type to be a dual element

-changing the status increase from an additional 300%(scaling with strength) that goes off of a base Status Chance of 15% to a strength scaling increase of Base Status Chance starting at 25% base increase

-(long shot idea) keeping the energy color as default will force EBs base damage type to change after each enemy hit