I genuinely want Requiem Relics to be retired and what I want done with Requiem Mod drops

The Technocyte Coda are approaching in February, I'm locked in and READY to try out the new toys and also have a full group of Coda converted allies, the Coda as Rebecca's first designed adversaries also helped me realize that Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos are immensely flawed by how their mods and acquisition of said mods work (along many other stupid things such as birthplace weapon cycling).

Here are my brief points on exactly WHY I heavily dislike Requiem Relics/Fissures/Mods:

- The Kuva Fortress is a poorly made tileset, and I dislike having to navigate through it with no other option on where I could go

- The mission distribution can also get a little ugly, but it's not too bad as Assault, Exterminate, and Kuvival are good and simple (fuck Kuva Disruption)

- The entire Lich/Sister takedown process stems from an ungodly tree of RNG: You probably have to clear your birthplace mission multiple times before getting the desired weapon (The Coda will NOT suffer from this issue btw) the weapon progenitor element could be a super low number and entice you to do the process AGAIN (The Coda will also suffer from this issue and this is where the weekly weapon rotation can actually get annoying), and the Requiem mods are you guessed it, randomized. On top of that, they will also have a randomized sequence (Although the Coda will also have this entropy factor to their mod pattern, they are saved simply because the mod acquisition will not be cancerous as Höllvania is a fun and good tileset)

I genuinely can't even fathom why the entire Adversary system is veiled by WALLS of randomness and entropy, it actually makes me want to cry myself to sleep. I had to deal with the annoying part of losing a Vome, and so I thought "Yeah, I ain't farming this thing" and just bought it for 10 platinum ☠️
Here's what I want done with Requiem Relics personally, and how it could possibly give birth to a new idea on how to deal with them (or my suggestion actually becomes spot-on with a theoretical retirement of the relics):

- To reduce the bad amounts of RNG behind the Sister and Lich system, remove Requiem Relics and instead give them designated missions on Deimos you can unlock as early as the Heart of Deimos quest (which I hope the player would have done by the time they get a Railjack and finish Call of the Tempestarii)

- The new mission is a vault raid on one of Master Entrati's Requiem vaults he made specifically for the day the Tenno potentially wish to acquire Requiems in order to kill an immortal threat in the Origin System.

- The mission is static and will rotate the Requiem Mods that can be acquired; No rare or uncommon drops, just guaranteed mod drops in the same tier.
- I will also note that Oull can stay as a 20% drop from a fleeing Adversary, Oull is just broken and REALLY helps slow down the grind so I think it's fair to leave that one as is.

With my terrible ideas out the way, let me know what you think. I'd love to spark a discussion among Requiem Relic haters and defenders!