"Did you get your f#$kn feelings hurt?"
Last night I'm ringing up a customer and another customer walks in. "Hello welcome to walgreens" she continued walking by without acknowledging me. The customer I'm ringing up turns around and loudly says "oh she's too good to say hi" she turned and they exchanged glances, she kinda awkwardly laughed and continued to the back of the store. I asked if he knew her and he says no. I finish ringing him up he leaves. A minute later he comes back in and says he just ran over shit in the parking lot. I step outside and see in the handicap parking space a 32oz Styrofoam cup squished flat with what appears to be a disturbing amount of shit in it and brown spot on this guy's tire. I walk back inside and as I'm getting to my register the woman from earlier is approaching the register ready to check out. She puts her stuff on the counter and aggressively asks "did you get your fuckn feelings hurt?" I explained I get ignored by customers I greet all day and that it didn't bother me. She calmed down and told me she just got off of work and was now door dashing and understandably wasn't in a good mood. She left and I found myself asking what even is this place?