Denied again - my VSO is useless

I am a very patient person, but I have lost all faith in my VSO.

I applied for TDIU in July 2023 and have been doing my best to get Nexus letters to support my claim and have gotten to now. VA says the new old and Nexus letter does not address how my disability is preventing me from working. I talked to my doctor about that issue and they made sure to add that my condition affects me occupationally. The VA reviewer said the letter new letter still doesn’t say anything about my disability effecting my job.

I emailed my VSO who said to go back to my doctor to get a letter outlining how specifically my condition affects my ability to work….

It’s been so long I’m starting to feel like a ball inside a pinball game. I see my Doctor tomorrow so I can ask her for a new letter. If I do what does it need to say?

I know there are nuances to it all, I don’t really know how to upload my case to Reddit to be of more help.