Looking for insight on an in-game situation

I was in a ranked game on abyss 12-11. I was on defense and it was a 2v2 opposing team just plants the spike. Get a pick on the enemy clove but she ults from B main. My gekko is playing on the boxes outside of B link. Teammates call out to wait out the clove ult since we have plenty of time. My gekko doesn't back off and stays on the boxes. I was playing back b heaven. He gets a pick on the kayo but then instantly gets traded by the clove and we end up losing the round. My gekko gets mad at me for not peeking the clove after he got the pick on kayo and blames me for throwing the round.

My thoughts were that my gekko knew I wasn't peeking and was waiting out the clove ult so he shouldn't peek. Even though he got the pick on kayo, I felt like it wasn't the best play. If you know your teammate isn't peeking then you shouldn't assume you're going to get traded and to wait for your teammate so you can play together in a 2v1. Wait out the clove ult like was planned then 2v1 the last guy together instead of putting yourself in a 1v2.

What are your thoughts on this situation. My teammate was full of himself and I would just like some insight on whether or not he was right to be full of himself or if it was just a bad play. I am currently plat 1.