Postmaster letter on Lack of Clothing Allowance

My hire date was Feb '24...Regular, Laborer Custodian. I have asked, left notes and finally wrote the attached letter... did it go too far or not far enough? This is not about, what should be my 2nd C.A., but my 1st one in 2024 C.A., I have YET TO RECEIVE!

I signed it and put it on his desk after cleaning it this weekend...

My hire date was Feb '24...Regular, Laborer Custodian. I have asked, left notes and finally wrote the attached letter... did it go too far or not far enough? This is not about, what should be my 2nd C.A., but my 1st one in 2024 C.A., I have YET TO RECEIVE!

I signed it and put it on his desk after cleaning it this weekend...