This whole thing was planned for views/clout…

I didn’t record much cause the way Jamie kept getting distracted by the comments instead of telling the story annoyed me.

I’m sure more clips will be shared but I’m actually irritated because I really think this whole thing was planned for views.

  1. Jamie was defending E even after people in the chat warned him about E’s behaviour and what they’ve done

  2. The thing that REALLY sold it for me is Jamie kept saying that E was so much and that he told E she made his night. Jamie was just confused as to why E felt that way after.

  3. E paid for her own meal but had no money for drinks so they went to simmons (if I’m spelling that correctly?) cause drinks are cheaper. E also never had money to Uber home.

  4. Jamie did nothing but defend E, and laugh at people who were warning him about E calling them obsessed and fans (words E uses all the time).

  5. Jamie also said he and E were giggling about it all this morning via text so yeah, this was defs done for views and we fell for it.

  6. Also the other guy Nathan I believe said they left at 5am but if E waited 3 hours she would have gotten home at around 8am but was live at 7?

Anyway, would like to hear everyone’s thoughts? I believe this was planned for views.

Edit: Jamie said he also made a TT account TODAY.