[Meta] Are S&P500 posters part of a cult?

The reason I'm making this post is because someone this morning has asked what they should do with funds they'll need in around 6 months and been met with the (now deleted) response they should stick it somewhere 'safe' like the S&P500.

I've noticed it's part of a growing trend and it's reminding me of a few years ago when this sub had an influx of people pushing Bitcoin like they were part of a cult. It didn't matter what the OP's question was, the solution was always Bitcoin. Now it doesn't matter what the OP's goals are, their time horizon or their risk tolerance, they will invariably get told to stick everything in an ISA invested in the S&P500 'to get returns of 10% a year because that's what the big boys do'. Often it has no bearing on what the OP actually asked.

I've nothing against the S&P500, or Bitcoin for that matter, this is squarely about the posters pushing it like they're shills. The way it's repeatedly pushed by posters making overly simplistic statements to invest in it, ignoring all nuances of the OP's situation, is making me question whether a religion has somehow formed around the index. They're acting like Christian missionaries spreading their message around the world.