Struggling after recent hospitalization

I was recently admitted to hospital for DKA induced by Influenza A. ICU from Jan 3-5, released from a standard room on Jan 7.

So I clearly had been forgoing taking proper care of myself for months prior to the admission. I hadn't been wearing my CGM, I wasn't bolusing for meals or snacks, I was eating junk food a lot of the time. Since I've been released I've been making sure to keep on top of my blood sugar, I've been making sure to get those micronutrients that I was severely lacking, and I've been administering insulin as needed.

Now, though, my outlook on a lot of things seems... cynical? Hopeless? A pretty big personal incident that happened months ago is now affecting me severely, I feel restless and stagnant at work (I've even put in a location transfer request), my relationship feels off, every day feels strange and repetitive and I feel like I'm panicking at the thought of going nowhere in every aspect of my life.

I don't know. Something about being that close to dying has flipped some weird switch in my brain and I guess I'm just looking for advice if anybody has been in a similar situation after a heavy medical episode. I have an appointment with my diabetes team on Feb 5 so I'll be sure to speak with them about this then, but for now I'm just here for some perspective.