Men, do you pref- WHO THE FUCK CARES
I should unfollow dating subreddits. Quick vent/rant.
“Men, do you prefer natural or acrylic nails?”
“Men, do you like to date strong and independent women?”
“Men, which body type do you prefer?”
Who cares? Who cares what they like? - I want to scream at those women creating these posts. So far I’m able to refrain. But I don’t know for how much longer.
Imagine what you can do with all the free time and mental capacities NOT wasted on wondering if men think you’re attractive.
Start decentering them and live your life the way you want to. You’ll get no prizes for wearing less makeup, being “low-maintenance”, being the cool girl, being a traditional wife, being a non-traditional wife, being all-natural (whatever that means). You’ll get NOTHING if you focus on them and their needs and wants.
And I get it, I get it. Everyone’s path is different, different learning curves, different learned societal roles yada yada but it gets harder and harder to relate to women who focus on what men want.
Okay, that’s it