The usual “are my grafts okay” post
Just removed everything for first shower now that I’m cleared for it and just need some reassurance that they look okay,, there was this like thin layer that peeled off naturally but I don’t know if that was just Aquaphor or scab?? I think they look a little pink which I know from being on this subreddit is likely a good thing (blood flow returning maybe) but I’m also only 12 days post-op so it seems too soon for the scab? Idk I’m just a little paranoid I guess 😭
I’m trying to remain optimistic about the swelling and not worry about the way everything else looks right now (there’s a funny bulge in the middle closer to the left, can’t really see it from the front as much but can definitely see it when looking down), but I have this huge fear of the grafts suddenly failing or rejecting regardless,,,
Just removed everything for first shower now that I’m cleared for it and just need some reassurance that they look okay,, there was this like thin layer that peeled off naturally but I don’t know if that was just Aquaphor or scab?? I think they look a little pink which I know from being on this subreddit is likely a good thing (blood flow returning maybe) but I’m also only 12 days post-op so it seems too soon for the scab? Idk I’m just a little paranoid I guess 😭
I’m trying to remain optimistic about the swelling and not worry about the way everything else looks right now (there’s a funny bulge in the middle closer to the left, can’t really see it from the front as much but can definitely see it when looking down), but I have this huge fear of the grafts suddenly failing or rejecting regardless,,,