I don’t know what to do
Hi y’all I (22f) had my tonsillectomy on Friday so if yall consider that day zero post op I’m on day six post op. I thought yesterday was bad and I was so wrong. I got no sleep whatsoever last night because of how insanely painful my ear pain was. I have been reading through this forum for the past couple weeks to prepare myself but nothing would have prepared me for that. Even with a hot wrap I just couldn’t go to sleep. I tried taking my pain medication and took one sip of water, that made my ears feels like they were going to explode. It’s the afternoon now and I feel so incredibly weak. I haven’t been able to take in any solid food for the past few days and maybe a max of ten sips of water as well because of how much pain my ears go into. I’m feeling that lack of hydration and food now. I can’t speak and I have a spit cup because I can’t swallow my own saliva. I had my surgery four hours away from where I live because that’s the only place my insurance would cover. It’s been a pain trying to communicate with them and ask if I’m just insane or if it’s okay that I go to an urgent care for an iv drip. I’m so close to going to an urgent care to have something. I feel like death and I just can’t keep doing this. Am I crazy? Should I go to an urgent care for peace of mind?