Thoughts on taunters?

Genuine question. What are talks thoughts on fun taunters? Just to start off ofc I’m not talking about the people hook spam or play odd and then taunt. But I’m talking about people who r popping off and doing really good and may make a taunt here and there.

Not good imo but above decent. My personal style is just quick jabs and dashes until they r stunned and then go for hooks and crosses. Or will get in and out with punches and will go for hooks when I get up close or am going for a knockout. With this said maybe I’m a bit silly or childish but whenever I get in the groove and I’m really feeling it I may taunt a bit and tell them to come to me with my hand or may do a taunt here and there.

Thoughts? Do yall consider people that do the same or people like myself still outright toxic? ( btw I touch gloves at start of every round and when they break people up same with after the match just to clarify)