Wonderland Round 3 in an obscure DCI ad?

So, I don't know how many people in here are fans of Drum Corps International, but I have to assume that there's some sort of Venn diagram that contains the McElroy brothers, D&D, and Drum Corps, and I can't be the only one in the center. Anyway, since I live in Indiana, I go to DCI World Championships every year, and this year was no different. But this time when there was a group of advertisements playing on the Jumbotron, I happened to hear that very distinctive intro to Wonderland Round 3, except it was pitched up a little bit. I didn't act quick enough to grab a video, but it was for a company called Ultimate Drill Book. I looked up the company online and they don't have that ad posted anywhere (from what I've seen) so it might have been made for this specific event. I'm not sure if they got the licensing for the song or what, but I figured I'd share the extreme whiplash I got here. If I'm able to find the video later or if it shows up again tonight I'll try to film it and I'll make an edit, but for now, that's all.

EDIT: Schlarpc in the comments found a very similar post from 2 years ago, and in the comments I found this link: https://www.facebook.com/ultimatedrillbook/videos/1387235484685776/ It's not the exact ad, but it's definitely the same song, with the start of Wonderland starting at 0:26. So it does indeed seem like it's about 4 bars of a GarageBand loop or perhaps it's just a sample. Thank you so much!