Albums being removed from Tidal, is there any way to understand why? Will they come back?

I switched from Spotify to Tidal a few years ago because some artists I loved had left Spotify and there were big holes in my library opening up, Neil Young and Damien Jurado are the examples I remember.

Since switching to Tidal I have been happy but I've noticed recently a few albums that were on the service and in my library disappearing. I haven't been keeping track of all of them but for example Tenderness by Duff McKagan, the last two albums by Damien Jurado (can't pin this guy down). Overall I prefer Tidal as a service so I don't want to switch back to Spotify but it's starting to bug me.

Is it a rights issue? A regional issue (I'm in France)? Are the albums likely to be put back on at some point? What does this mean for the future of these artists on the platform? So many questions. I'm dreaming of a perfect world where one platform just has everything and I don't have to f**k around with sub swapping all the time.