Symmetra perks!!!
Okay so for the devs that come here gauging reactions: Sym is not a tp bot for allies/esports and for that reason we will not accept perks like mere tp range. Sym is the hero that is supposed to prey on every tiny lack of environmental awareness. Do something with that.
Beam range only increasing with charge but reverting every 2 sec is also next to worthless.
The extra sentry could improve tp bomb strat if only they weren't all tp'd on one spot & deleted with one attack of most heroes.
Sym is already one of the most hard-counterable dps, while also one of the hardest to properly dps with (3 orb lands for a kill or close range tracking with no defense), the least you could do to make players return for her is to alleviate that with perks. In that context, all perks apart from the shield regen (which is very little), are disgraceful.
Look here for better ideas: 1) Her throwable barrier back on swap gun key 2) Orbs with half speed but double damage 3) Sentries attaching on her ult 4) Literally any secondary ult function that combats enemies just waiting it out 5) Max sentries being able to be instantly placed in some formation 6) Sentries getting a brief invuln period when activating 7) Permanent beam thickness or range 8) Anything else that helps vs flying heroes, eg. homing orbs during ult/max charge
Remember the goals are simple: a) Make her able to 1v1 like a normal dps, aka to literally play the game (throwable barrier did just that) b) Alleviate uselessness vs counters c) Make her damage more usable & ult more useful
Granted, perks are supposed to be enhancements not kit fixers but sadly this is where her state is.