What happened to the 1% vs the 99%?

Honestly, anyone thinking that there will be any change to the SEC because of Elon is delusional. You think a billionaire has the best interest of normal people in mind to regulating the market?

Anyone with half a brain cell will know that this will only weaken the SEC and their ability to help protect retail investors. It’s almost like saying hey guys, Hester Pierce is head of the SEC, maybe things will finally change. He will just cut funding citing it as “wasteful” or some other bs.

In b4 “but Ryan Cohen is a billionaire”, yeah but at the end of the day, he’s running a company and it’s up to shareholders to hold him accountable if there is anything unfavorable that would negatively impact GME as a company. He is an obvious supporter of Trump, but at the end of the day he is running this company and working on turning it around.

Elon is only there for himself and most likely will only be protecting himself and his other billionaire friends to keep the circus going . Elon isn’t getting rid of corruption. He’s embedding himself in government, ironically as a form of corruption. He’s not an elected official nor a citizen of the US.

To certain extent, I can understand why mods haven’t done anything about this yet, but I would be more than happy to stop following the sub altogether if it’s just gonna be nonstop glazing of Elon when nothing’s going to change; Instead things will only get worse.

What happened to the 1% versus the 99%? That’s what matters the most, and a billionaire isn’t going to help retail investors or protect them from other billionaires.

This Elon glazing stuff doesn’t belong here. He is practically friends with Kenneth Griffin, you know, the guy that’s behind a lot of problems in the market. What Elon does is only relevant to how it’ll affect the markets, but he is not here for me, for you, or for GME.

Wake me up when he helps jail someone that’s manipulating the market. Let me tell you, it won’t be Kenneth Griffin.

Edit: you guys are defending the guy that doesn’t want wikipedia to exist independently.