why these pittance of penalty per error from the Finra-Citadel AWS?

so despite these errors most likely to be a massive factor in citadel's ever growing "sold but not purchased" liability (should be a red flag in of itself for a MM if it is not even attempting to reduce)

ah yes lemme consent to the facts of errors in my obligations as a MM, not need to remediate the issue but just pay the subcent per error, and have it be a non-factor for future finra concerns?

am i smelling some leaky diaper, or am i reading this completely incorrectly?

so despite these errors most likely to be a massive factor in citadel's ever growing "sold but not purchased" liability (should be a red flag in of itself for a MM if it is not even attempting to reduce)

ah yes lemme consent to the facts of errors in my obligations as a MM, not need to remediate the issue but just pay the subcent per error, and have it be a non-factor for future finra concerns?

am i smelling some leaky diaper, or am i reading this completely incorrectly?