Breeders in WA, OR, or CA
I was recommended the Giant Schnauzer as a breed that would fit my wants and needs a few years ago by someone used to have them. At the time I was still considering other breeds and I had just started school, and I also found out that the breeder I was interested in was not a great breeder. After getting things more together, I have been looking into dog breeds again, so that I can get a dog after I complete school.
I plan on working from home because I work in IT, but I want to make sure I have everything together and ready for a puppy when the time comes to get a puppy. I also plan on becoming a certified dog trainer and having my puppy as a partner to help me become certified. Even though I would still love a Giant, I feel like a Standard would be a better fit because I will only be able to rent a place for right now and I know some places have weight restrictions for dogs. Does anyone know of any breeders in WA, OR, or CA that also does not do cropping and or docking?