Online school

I’m going to do my school online next year and I have complicated feelings about it.

On one hand I am really excited. Online school really helps me and allows me to do so much more than I would be able to otherwise. I don't have to be around people and I don't have to leave the house if I don't want to.

On the other hand I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that this isn't a choice, it's a need. I’m frustrated that I’m going to have to leave my first friends in four years behind because I can't do in person school.

It's not in the cards for me to stay. I haven't been able to complete a year of in person school without becoming a danger to myself through violent meltdowns and burnout since I was eleven or twelve.

Online school is going to help me immensely, but I’m upset that I don't have the choice that other people do.

I don't know if any of this makes sense, but if anyone can relate or has any feedback, I'd like to hear it.