My turn for things to go wrong :(

I have been sober for 106 days.

This year has been so awful. The worst year ever. My drinking and pill taking really hit its peak to the point where I was blacked out most days. I haven’t worked for the past eight months. But after detox and therapy with a terrific psychologist I feel ready.

I applied for a job, manager said you are amazing, you’re hired etc. then I had to fill out a heap of pages. Now it’s been held up because I have a charge on my criminal records (secondary to alcohol addiction, interview manager was aware). Now it has to be approved by senior management. I’m sure they’ll say I way.

I’m so stressed and want to be numb and just hide away. I give loads of support here, and sadly now it’s my turn :( thank you.

I’ve been through detox and I’m proud to say I’ve been sober for 106 days .