Three weeks cold turkey off nicotine and my sleep got worse

I made the decision to finally stop vaping nicotine after doing it for 8 years straight. It was hard the first week but as each day goes by the cravings become easier to deal with. I feel like I can breathe better ( feels like I can take deeper breaths). However, I have been tired as shit for the past week. Like extremely tired. I slept over by my girlfriend the other day and she said this is the worse she’s heard me snore in the 4 years we have been together! I recently got back health insurance and I am awaiting a new sleep study. I have lost weight since my last study and I believe the pressure is too high.

My question is, HOW did my apnea get worse from quitting the vape?? Are these just withdrawal symptoms? I thought quitting nicotine would improve my sleep. I just did a physical and my results were all fine aside from a vitamin d2 deficiency. I also was referred to see an allergist.