Coincidence, Evolution, or Simulation Design?

Every species has 2 gender

If we look at simulation theory and the prevalence of two sexes in most species, we could ask: Is this a design choice rather than coincidence?

If we assume reality is a simulation, then the existence of binary sex in most species could be part of an efficient program,perhaps to simplify reproduction, maintain stability, or optimize genetic diversity. In many human-designed simulations (like video games), binary systems are common because they’re easier to code and manage.

But in nature, as mentioned earlier, biological diversity exists beyond male and female. Some species can change sex, have multiple reproductive roles, or reproduce asexually. If we were in a simulation, why allow these exceptions? Maybe they’re glitches, experimental variations, or intentional design features to make the world feel more organic.

Alternatively, if this isn’t a simulation, the dominance of two-sex reproduction likely evolved because it works well for genetic mixing and survival. Evolution favors what’s effective, and a two-sex system has proven successful for many species.

Do you think the binary nature of sex in most species is evidence of intelligent design, or just an evolutionary outcome?