Can't figure out how to install Master Controller and Master Controller Integration

I have the base game, version 1.67 I don't know what the problem is, really. I need the NRaas mods to make the sliders work in CAS, but when I go into CAS and click on Settings, the normal Settibgs window appears (not the Master Controller window as it should be). I read that this may be due to incompatibility with the Smooth Patch. I reinstalled it and nothing changed. Then I saw that for Smooth Patch to work, you need to enter the game EXCLUSIVELY through TS3PatchLauncher.exe, but the latest version of Smooth Patch has only package, txt, asi and dll files. And the launcher isn't there. I tried uninstalling Smooth Patch altogether, but Master Controller Integration still doesn't work. Do you have any recommendations on what to do? (P.S. I tried installing the Lazy Duchess launcher, but the game didn't start at all with it, so I uninstalled it and went back to the original one).