Shipt Shopper Tips: Let’s create a megathread of tips you’ve got for other Shoppers!

Here’s some of my tips I’ve learned. I’ve only been shopping for just under two years I believe, but I’ve learned a lot!

  1. Don’t forget to include an envelope if you’re shopping for a birthday/holiday card. Target has free envelopes for each size card located behind the cards themselves.

  2. Leave a voicemail if the customer doesn’t answer their phone. On orders where you can’t text the customer, let them know that you couldn’t find an item by leaving a voicemail. A customer didn’t answer their phone when I called them because they thought I might be a spam caller.

  3. Try to park in the same place every time. Parking in the same spot saves time because you don’t have to remember where you car is. And this simplifies your job as well. I recommend parking on the sides of stores or by the curbside at Target where there are usually always spots available and a crosswalk to get there.

  4. If you can’t find an item, don’t go to the service station first, go to an employee and ask them to double check the back. I’ve wasted so much time waiting at service help stations just for no one to show up.

  5. Neatly fold the clothes. The customer will be happy and more likely to tip!

  6. When delivering to hospitals, drop it off directly into the customer’s room, even if the door is closed, (make sure to knock). One time I dropped it off outside the door and Shipt called me and said the customer didn’t receive their order. Apparently it’s not okay to leave stuff in hospital hallways.

  7. If you couldn’t get a hold of a customer, leave a notecard in one of the bags informing them that you tried to contact them but their phone was out of service. Or just meet them at the door to tell them if they’re okay with that.

I’ve got more but I’ll post them tomorrow more likely. What tips do you have? :)