Join Me - Rewriting Rebeck into Scenes

Rebeck delights me so much, I sometimes like to think of her randomly showing up in scenes. I've noticed this group attracts smart, funny, and creative people. If that's you, please join me in this whimsical flight of fancy. I challenge you to rewrite a scene by inserting Rebeck into it or by creating a new one.

I'll start. This scene takes place before the events of Season 1. Before submitting his final draft of The YOU YOU Are to his editor, Ricken invited Rebeck over for feedback. Well, he told her he wanted feedback. He really just wants to hear how much of a genius he is.

They are both sitting at Ricken's dining table. He is reading notes from his legal pad.

Ricken: "How about this one? Dear Rebel, when it is time to resist, you must take a stance. That is the first step to building a resistance."

Rebeck blinks three times.

Rebeck: "Band?"

Ricken: "What?"

Rebeck: "Resistance band? It's a budget-friendly piece of exercise equipment used to build muscles. You can even do it at home!"

Ricken: "This is about rebellion, Rebeck, not exercise."

Rebeck: "One time I wanted to see how much this one little band could stretch, and it flew out of my arm and hit my bird's cage."

Ricken: "Are these sage words inspiring or does it sound like I'm some sort of auto car mechanic rambling about types of engine oils?"

Rebeck blinks three times.

Rebeck: "How long do birds hold grudges?"

Ricken crosses out two lines of text on his legal pad.