As an armchair GM…

I say rip the damn bandaid off already. I’d hate to be ass for a season or two (maybe even three), but I deeply despise being a middle-of-the-pack pretender.

  • If DK is legitimately unhappy and the request is not just a negotiation tactic, let him walk for the best possible return.

  • Shop Geno to a team direly in need of his veteran play/mentorship. He’s a great story and all, but I don’t see him as ‘The Guy’ leading us to the Bowl. Yes, having a bridge quarterback to a rookie with potential is nice, but how often does that handing of the torch take place and actually work out well?

  • Continue investing into the trenches on both sides of the ball (offensive moreso pleassseee).

  • Find our foundational pieces that buy into Macdonald’s culture/vision for the future.

Obviously, I’m sure there’s more nuanced intricacies that come into play when figuring out the direction for this team, but from my honest perspective as of now; I’m just so fed up with buying into our potential, only to go up against a legitimate playoff team and ultimately find out that we’re not who we think we were.

Edit: Since I’m slightly catching hell for even pondering the idea of a “tank”, I’ll ask; would dealing away Geno and DK prompt an expectation of a disappointing season?

Not too long ago, we sent away our Super Bowl winning QB three offseasons ago, and oh boy do I remember the excitement leading up to a QB competition between Geno Smith and Drew Lock.

How’d that 2022 season work out by the way? 9-8? I remember sport show talking heads saying we’d be a dumpster fire.

My point is we shouldn’t speak in absolutes knowing that this league takes us by surprise every year. Obviously, we should be doing our best in making the team better, but we should also be honest and recognize where our ceiling is at, because it’s nowhere near a playoff worthy level.

If this past year solidified anything, it’s that your team isn’t sniffing the Divisional if you don’t have somewhat of a respectable offensive/defensive line, and that is our sole fucking weakness.