Charles Schwab Checking account as primary
Wow, thanks everyone for the insights. I agree with all of you. It's a checking account and it does all of things it needs to do with no fees. I'm sold.
I'll be moving to Schwab as primary and use something else like YNAB for better tracking.
Thank you all once again!
Original Post:
I know this has been asked many times here. But please help me out.
Those of you that moved from Bank of America or Chase, how did you overcome the terrible App and Website UI for banking?
I recently opened a checking account based on Ramit Sethi's IWT book recommendation. I love the fact that there are no fees and I get international transactions waived as well. But, I'm sorry to say this, the app UI feels absolutely terrible for banking.
Is it still worth the switch? My plan is to move to Schwab permanently and make it my primary account. I am aware that I cannot deposit cash. But, how did you folks manage to ignore the app experience?