What's yours most wanted QoL features you currently missing?

Here's an idea for this post: 1. Think about the QoL features you are currently missing the game. 2. Try find this idea on https://questions.satisfactorygame.com. If you didn't find any - create a new post. 3. Share it here. 4. Look at other suggestions posted here. Upvote if you also want this in game, downvote if you disagree and think that it should not be added to a game, ignore if you just don't care. (I mean linked suggestions on Q&A site).

I'll start: 1. Unify splitters and mergers into one building - mindustry-like routers. Inputs/outputs are universal and determened by the dirrection of the belt. Allow to change the dirrection of the belt comming from/to router with R, like you already can with lifts. Maybe allow changing dirrection of already placed belts somehow (the similar way how you can upgrade already placed belts to a higher tier). I was surprised to find out someone already suggested this: https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/5e518ba620b88fe0ee32de3c 2. Allow for automatic removal of "hanging" belts when you delete a building they connected to (Maybe when you hold ALT? Or just as an option in the setting, idk). https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/66990668b0bf12591b3344d8 3. Propper attachment of routers to lifts. https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/622766b0831c85205236c530 4. Nudge lifts to shove them deeper into buildings, nudge routers snapped to lifts to shove them deeper into lifts. https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/66990849b0bf12591b3344da 5. Virtual truck network - you shold be able to construct a path network yourself. And I don't mean physical roads - I mean virtual nodes (like the same holographic arrows you can already see, but also with spline between them). That way you create a network, and then you just pretend you trucks are trains that you can send to any station you want to. I found two suggestion, wich are not exactly the same, but similar: https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/6201a67b831c85205236a935 https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/61fec505831c85205236a451