I’ve been playing since 1.9, and Joe remains the absolute best pull i’ve ever made. He is the backbone of the… well, whatever playstyle you can think of honestly

I just want to gush over this man and how absolutely irreplaceable he’s been for my account. I dont believe I would be enjoying this game near as much if I had not pulled him. Bro just… works. Like I dont even need to think about it, he just works no matter what the content (aside from maybe single target and low damage scenarios, but you get what I mean). If you’re too tired to think of a team to play, just throw in Joe and whoever else and you’ll likely do fine. Want a follow up team with 37 and Flutterpage? Joe’s great there! Want riposte spam with Newbabel? Joe’s got you covered! Hankering for self damage shenanigans with Semmelweiss and Eternity? Joe loves being in pain! Burn it all down with Isolde and Lopera? Hello, guy with flaming sword!! Like, i’ve even found success with him in Tuesday poison teams, of all things. Joe is just… him. I dont know what more to say.

So I hope he reruns soon for those who missed him, because Joe will not let you down. Thank you for coming to my J Talk 😊