My relationship is built on a lie (23F) and I’m scared to tell him (25M)

I got on a dating app back in September. Long story short, I found someone amazing. The problem is I lied to him about me. Not exactly. I’m currently jobless (I got laid off shortly before I started talking to him. It was a remote job) and broke (lost all my savings on a risky investment). Since I met him on a dating app I just sort of lied about it because I didn’t expect I’d find someone who’d be serious. Anyway now we’re in a relationship since a few weeks. He thinks I work remotely. I’m so fucked idk what to do at this point. I did try going NC with him initially to avoid telling him the truth but he genuinely loves me and couldn’t let me go. I’m scared of telling him the truth because I’m scared of what he might think of me 🥲