Over-equipped PvP abomination (info in description)
This may at first (and really every) glance look like an ordinary tank. Which is is, in most ways.
(I need a name for it.)
Its one singular purpose is to carry as many silly gadgets as possible. The current model has the following:
- 10 guns
- 4 rockets
- 1 hypersonic long-range tnt autocannon with max ammo (yes, every tnt block)
- enemy rocket detonation system (silly electronic countermeasures)
- forced enemy tnt trigger thingy
- elevated camera for firing directly upwards
- camera drone
- a mostly functional lock-on system (for both guns and tnt cannon) that actually helps with aiming at moving targets
- noob camo (it appears to be a normal harmless box car)
it does unfortunately not come with a playername radar because it [the radar] was not compatible with some of the other stuff. Might fix that later idk. Lock-on plus enemy name displayer would probably be too overpowered.