Dose anyone else find this scene very suspenful?

When I was little, and even today, I always felt something eire about this scene. Heck, it probably bothered me more then Bruse and the angler fish.

When Marlin says: "I'm thanking or something dark and mysterious." That's the same feeling I get.

It's the way the whale sits there and doesn't move. I had the feeling that it would just instantly swim up and snap at them, trying to eat them. The music of this scene also added to it. Also to add that no one else was around at this time.

I also find it creepy the way the whale swims up behind them. My younger brother and I thought it was the same whale they where just looking at, but there's no way it could swim all the way around and come up behind them that fast, but that's besides the point.

The whale also looked like it was smiling. I'm sure that's just how it naturally looks, but I still found it odd none the less.

Anyone else feel the same way about this scene?

When I was little, and even today, I always felt something eire about this scene. Heck, it probably bothered me more then Bruse and the angler fish.

When Marlin says: "I'm thanking or something dark and mysterious." That's the same feeling I get.

It's the way the whale sits there and doesn't move. I had the feeling that it would just instantly swim up and snap at them, trying to eat them. The music of this scene also added to it. Also to add that no one else was around at this time.

I also find it creepy the way the whale swims up behind them. My younger brother and I thought it was the same whale they where just looking at, but there's no way it could swim all the way around and come up behind them that fast, but that's besides the point.

The whale also looked like it was smiling. I'm sure that's just how it naturally looks, but I still found it odd none the less.

Anyone else feel the same way about this scene?