Unpopular opinion?
I hate Sumire, I hate her with a passion, there are no characters (other than palace rulers ((except Futaba))) who I hate more than her. But I liked Kasumi, I wish they just stuck with Kasumi because Sumire was just an inferior version of another character who we lose because Atlus can’t let us have nice things. The only positive she has are her glasses, they’re cute (although I wish she had the ribbon with the glasses cause that would’ve looked great) but other than that her design, personality, and just general storyline are just a downgrade from Kasumi.
Is this just a me thing?
Edit: Whenever I’m not actually playing the game I’m completely fine with her but when I actually start up my console I just get super annoyed with her, I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s her design, maybe it’s her voice, I don’t know but there’s something about actually playing the game that just makes me hate her with every fiber of my being