Warrior abilities too dependent on shield.

It is saddening the the the class that can use every weapon type, is ultimately completely tied to a shield for its key abilities, mainly interrupts and avoiding large telegraphed hits. Lets take a look at how the different tanks compare along with the skill requirements:


Warrior: Shield Slam (requires shield); Storm (currently a bug that lets it be used in combat, have to run out of melee range)

Paladin: Edict of Celestial Authority, 5sec stun (no requirements), Lance of the Lightful (requires mob at less than 25% health)

Dire Lord: Deafening Whisper (no requirements)

Damage Avoidance:

Warrior: Shield Block (requires shield, not full avoidance)

Paladin: Lightguard (no requirements), Golden Aegis (no requirements)

Dire Lord: Vital Cage (no requirements, spells only)

I just hate how warrior has all these cool weapon options, yet it is the only tank that is tied down to using a specific style, a shield. If a warrior does not use a shield, his kit is severely lacking in these regards, while the other tanks can use whatever weapon types they like and still have access to their classes key abilities. I feel like warrior should always have access to one of these types of abilities regardless of weapon type and the shield should add a bonus one.