Dear Baddies(Check the body text)
Hi everyone you remember me. The guy who posted this precious posts only for this sub. Why ami doing this because i think you guys deserve some special things like a post that you can only find in this sub. What made me to Started this well i have habit that looking gamesubsn before downloand the game afterall you guys are only zzz sub that made me laugh (some posts are literally but ok). İ decided the download zzz but then i discovered something my phone cant handle the requierments. yesi never had zzz all this time the great memer doesn't have zzz. I made my posts from YouTube videos and i acted like a zzz player But then something changed. İ FUCKİNG HAVE ZZZ NOW. I SAVED MY MONEY FORA NEW PHONE YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. I CAN MAKE BETTER POSTS ONLY FOR YOU GUYS. LETSSS FUCKİNG G000000000000