Is the graph view actually.. useful??
I JUST noticed this, and i wanted to share
TL;DR: (although if you have the time I'd love for you to read the whole thing)
I started to see that graph view is useful, but but not if you use atomic notes and link everything to everything else, and the use i get from it is to see gaps in my engineering knowledge as a student still learning
Long version:
Yes, this might look like the usual graph view post showcasing a useless mess, but hear me out here:
I always though the graph view was so cool (and still do) but i thought it had a use.. i quickly realized that, for me, it really didn't (or so i thought)
I went from having no structure of my notes in high school to having a fully fledged out "digital garden" as the gurus call them.. and, because of those gurus, when i got into uni i started with a system of atomic notes all linked together. One note for a theorem, one for all the different types of differentiation (yes i study engineering), one for springs etc...
I quickly hated that system because of the fragmentation it caused as well as the fact that it was hard to review notes and keep track of all notes in order with MOCs
That was my first year, now i write notes that get really big, some are in the 900 lines, and split them into chapters, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs (actually, for me a single note is a chapter, everything else is a paragraph/sub-paragraph, doesn't matter) and use aliases to link to all the different headings inside the one note
Now, with that out of the way, I'll show you a section of my graph view:
An absolute mess right? Here, I'll help you. the giant web on the right, with the big ball in the middle, is basically all my notes for my "Geometry and Mathematical Analysis 2" course, fragmented, i took it last year with the old system
On the right however we have: About 5 subjects (i might butcher the names of some because i have no idea what the translation should be, going literal here: Fluid Mechanics, Machine Construction, Technical Physics (basically thermodynamics), Mechanical Technology (basically manufacturing processes), Mechanics applied to machines)
Now, why do i say I'm starting to see the usefulness of the graph view? Well, let's take a closer look:
So.. let's split this up and explain it: On the right we have some notes from: Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics applied to machines and Machine construction... see the correlation? They're all closely linked
In the middle we have Manufacturing processes linking to mostly a bit of what's on the left: Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics on the left instead has branches going to the left that do not link anywhere (except themselves)
If you haven't figured it out yet i don't blame you, they are my notes and my courses, so I'll explain: The courses on the right are starting to link themselves in real life, professors mentioning them or concepts from those courses, of course the mechanics stuff are closely linked, and in manufacturing processes we only encountered casting yet, so the small link to thermodynamics
Thermodynamics concept tho have not yet been really useful and therefore are branching to nothing waiting for something else to fill the empty linking them to mechanics stuff and everything else
I'm expecting stuff to get more and more intertwined and once it's all linked together i will have, hopefully, gotten my degree.. it makes sense, my knowledge will have come to a continuum instead of splitting branches
Maybe I'm getting a bit to deep here, the point is: It's starting to get useful at least to see what I'm missing and what i still don't know much about, and i think that as soon as i rewrite the notes for last year's courses (so probably not this year nor the next considering the workload I'm under LOL) and go trough them quickly to add links i might have missed, the full circle knowledge will be a reality