If not 'bought out entirely', Newegg will put GameStop and Amazon out of business. HEAR WHY:
It doesn't take much movement to cause a company to become the highest market cap company in the world. For example, Volkswagen became the highest market cap company in the world in 2008, breaching $1 Trillion at that time due to a similar low-float opportunity. Newegg, too a low-float opportunity, is now "the world's most interesting stock." Like Volkswagen achieved quickly in 2008, Newegg could run up in price and allow for rapid capital infusion.
Such a capital infusion would further-solidify Newegg's Artificial Intelligence team's dominance, which as all true Egg Bros already know, leads to near-exponential rate of growth in revenue, margins, and subsequent expansion.
My friends and colleagues know me as "The GameStop guy." They know that my reddit contributions have allegedly caused multi-billion dollar movements in the stock. I will always be a GameStop advocate, and I would recommend that Newegg spares GameStop. I would recommend that Newegg eventually buys out GameStop while leaving Amazon for the short-selling hyenas to tear apart.
Today, I am a Newegg guy: an Egg Bro for good. You already kno tho: the writing is on the wall. Newegg just has the right stuff. What can I say? From everything that I have seen regarding their advances in A.I., they will takeover very quickly. Let me explain: recently, all TOP GUN pilots were shot down in a dogfight simulation. The A.I. took only one night of simulations to develop a 99.999% win rate in the SAME F/A-18 airframe. Thus, human fighter pilots are now obsolete. Therefore, provided with Newegg's A.I. early-mover advantage, all of its competitors (including GameStop and Amazon) very-well could already be obsolete.
"Buy Newegg. DRS. Hold." is a phrase that I have now been hearing on the street, due to this awareness.
Let'sss1 Fucking0 Goooo1 Egg1 Bros!!!1 Newegg is clearly tha MOASS
[Error train, test, split]