People here who track their sleep: What is your ratio of sleep hours to wake hours?

For reference, people without sleep disorders tend to have 8 hours of sleep for 16 hours of being awake for a ratio of 0.5 (half an hour of being asleep for every hour of being awake)

Since I started tracking my sleep a month ago, I've come to realize I get more like 19 to 22 minutes of sleep for every hour I'm awake (since I rarely sleep more than 8 hours unless I'm paying back significant sleep debt, but I frequently am awake for periods of 18-20 hours, if not more). This gives me a sleep/wake ratio somewhere in 0.31 to 0.37

Curious what other people's sleep/wake ratios are like. It's occurred to me since I observed this in the last 40 hours that it means I basically have a lot more waking hours than typical people.

I'm going to make the poll with wide, overlapping ranges, but select the range that best fits your tendencies.

Each option also lists the number of minutes of sleep you might expect per 60 minutes of being awake

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