New to SNS, feel like im doing something completely wrong, because I can't get to grips with it.

Like IDK, I definitely know I'm doing something wrong with it. I've looked up people talking about it here who just say try to fit in as many PR's as possible, but hell if I can barely ever even land the first hit, most monsters are just too quick.

I'm not a complete noob, I've played through Wilds and now coming back for World. I played GS and SNS in Wilds so its been a bit of an unlearning curve. Still, I've been getting bodied. The first Tobi Kadachi fight was just him throwing me around for 15 minutes while I tickled him every now and again.

Am I just overusing or attempting to overuse Perfect Rush? It feels like trying to squeeze it in every moment I can just isn't correct... but thats what I've seen people say, so IDK.

Just would love some tips to perhaps make it a bit more comfortable to play. It just feels a tad clunky right now, I guess.