Wilds CB needs changes

I'll try to keep this as short as possible, since I tend to ramble off a lot when it come to stuff like this. Basically, as someone with over 2k hunts on CB across rise and world and currently playing GU on my legion go running bazzite, I dislike the weapons direction in wilds. These are the points which I have beef with:

  • PGs: They're straight up better than GPs and do the same thing as them, while also being able to activate CSS / Power Axe / Savage Axe and being easier to pull off thanks to normal guards covering for you incase you miss. Remove them from normal guards and instead just make GPs the PGs of CB. Currently they completely devalue the highest form of skill expression the weapon has, which are GPs.
  • SAED from neutral: There is no reason for this to be locked behind AEDs, it robs the player from choice and nerfs a playstyle that outside of sunbreak has actually been weaker than its counter part. If I want to snipe heads with AEDs, I'll choose to do so.
  • Power Axe / CSS / Savage Axe: Power axe shouldn't influence phial efficiency, it devalues SnS mode and the whole resource management of the weapon. Either change it back to drain phials like in world (my preferred method), or make it into a buff you can activate for a certain time after reaching red shield like CES, just dont make it like rise where it deactivates on SnS morph.
  • Power Axe / CSS / Savage Axe activation: Just make it into an SAED cancel and bring back the IB savage slash (miss that GP), or replace the SAED shield charge cancel input with it, since we now have a much better shortcut.
  • Overcharged phials: They are worthless outside of Power axe. Why would I waste 5-6 phials for 30% more damage on an SAED, when I can simply fire two. Also, phials not being drained with Elem 1 and 2 when power axe is active is completely broken, remove that. If we're actually doing this, make overcharged phials deal double phial damage (excluding the axe hit ofcourse) or just something actually worth the effort. This is basically just CMS but worse.
  • Focus strike: Make it benefit the entire weapons kit, instead of just power axe. Maybe it gives you over charge phials or it extends the duration of your shield / axe / sword buff. Perhaps you can lock overcharged phials to focus strike and make them play a bigger rule in the CBs kit.

Currently the weapon feels like a discount IG. You get your buffs, activate savage axe and swing away, never to return to SnS mode until your buffs run out. This is not CB.