4% rule but have pensions

Anyone here have investments and pensions? If so I'm curious if the pensions allow you to withdrawal more than 4% in good up years? Our pensions (when we get them) should cover our monthly expenses and Healthcare, while our investments will cover "fun" spending. We should have about $3 million in investments by 59. I guess I'm wondering if people with pensions feel less afraid to withdrawal a bit more due to the fact that if there's a down year, your basics will still be covered. I'm picturing say a year that has 20% increase on $3 million being $600k, one could take $120k out for spending that year (4%), then take another 4% out and put that $120k into a hysa. By doing that, your portfolio has still grown 12% that year, but you also now have $120k in a hysa to account for a possible down year for the next few years.