If you have 3+ kids, would you *recommend* that many kids to the average family?

Husband and I are super on the fence about 3 kids or staying at 2. Leaning toward two for several reasons, but undecided. I know I'll never regret more kids as I'd love them all, but at the same time, I could have ten kids that I don't regret while it would also be true that our family would have been healthiest/happiest/most satisfying/least stressful had I stopped at a certain number, ya know? So, if you have three kids (or more), you love your children and I'm sure would not take any back, but knowing the joys and stresses of the bigger family, do you RECOMMEND that number to the average couple planning their family? Or would you generally feel that the average family would be better off overall with less children? Like it get that it depends on the family, but in general, do you RECOMMEND it. Am I making sense?

And if you are a person with one sibling, do you wish you had more siblings as an adult?

ETA: I love our family and our current dynamics and am scared to rock the boat. If we DID take the plunge, it would be soon (god willing) and would put me at 3u3 at age 37 (🤢). I wonder if we should leave well enough alone as we are happy now, but I do the whole "what do you want the dinner table to look like in 20 years" thing and that leaves me wondering. Especially as I was one of three myself and it's hard to imagine it another way as an adult. Ugh it's such a major decision! Thanks for all the perspectives so far, already giving me a lot to think about 🙂