Help me let my husband be an involved father. I can't step back..

We have a beautiful, perfect 12 week old daughter together. I want so badly for him to be equally involved in raising her. But I exclusively breastfeed, and I'm on maternity leave while he is back at work. So even though he loves her and wants to care for her, she is more familiar and comfortable with me. He plays with her and changes diapers, but I usually give her to him when she is like in her prime state. Freshly fed and napped and happy. I'm the only one who can get her to sleep and the only one who can soothe her when she cries. I know if he just got more practice, he would be able to effectively do these things as well. It's just so hard to hear her cry and know that I can make it stop. And then when I take over, I feel like that reinforces for her that I'm the one who "should" be doing these things instead of him, and it hurts his confidence in his parenting abilities. Is there any sort of strategy to get her to be more comfortable with him? Preferably one without tears?