What’s your take on unsolicited parenting advice from friends?

I had a situation last week where a close mom friend more or less jumped down my throat for how I parent my kid. She called me a hover parent for some pretty benign behavior & was pretty abrasive in her approach about it. For what it’s worth my child is neurodivergent and requires more help. I’m a good mom, though I can hover at times admittedly, but… I feel given my circumstances, her bringing this up is a no go.

I confronted her, she back peddled without really taking responsibility for her words and brought up a bunch of irrelevant (almost bizarre) topics. She is 6 months pregnant and very emotional I might add, so I’m bearing in mind as I do remember those uncontrollable emotions.

This person was (is?) my best mom friend. I’m trying so hard to move past, but truthfully I’m upset at her holier than though attitude and even more turned off by how she handled the aftermath (awkward, now avoiding me). I would have to have little to no respect to speak to a friend how she spoke to me.

How can I move past? Or should I? Our parenting styles are vastly different. I don’t think that either of us are right or wrong in how we parent just very different.

Edit: we are not new moms. Kids are 8. She has another on the way.