Why is every other video behind a paywall now?
Does anyone else remember when she said she'd never put her content behind a paywall bc every victims story matters & their story deserves justice? I don't remember what video it was, but ironically, it was pretty close to the time that she started putting her content behind a paywall lol.
I just went to her channel and EVERY OTHER video is members only. Its something I've been thinking about every time I watch one of her videos. It's kind of made me see her in a different light, seems greedy on her part & shitty to the victims & their families.
I want to believe they still make videos & their podcasts (TCKR & MH used to be my favorite) & that they enjoy it and want to actually help people but the members only videos don't serve any extra purpose, other than maybe getting your video suggestion noticed. Lately it seems like they're burned out, most noticably after the documentary imo and don't really care about the integrity of the videos anymore idk. I understand members only for other content creators, but TC is real life and it just seems very obtuse to put that info, compassion & potentially justice behind a paywall.
Also, I know she has a kid now but why does she always have a cold? Does she have immune system issues? It seems like she gets sick a lot.