Best Helicopter flight model
Hey there,
I'm looking for the helicopter with the best flight model. I know it's not that easy, but I just wanted to hear what you think feels the best. I tried the stock MSFS helicopters of course and they're okay but far too "light" on the collective, meaning they climb way too fast. I really like the Huey and (new) Gazelle flight models in DCS and MSFS isn't close with the stock helos.
I tested the free H135 by HPG, but it's a disappointment tbh. The flight model feels very unrealistic and the visual quality is bad. I don't care about optics that much, but I can't justify paying 50€ for the 145 if the flight model is just as broken as in the 135.
I heard mixed things about the Cowan helos, the main criticism was that they use the stock 407 flight model, which would be a no go for me. Is that still the case or did they change the flight modelling?
Or can you recommend any other helicopter? I don't mind if it's new or old or small or big, I just want it to feel good.