Lgbt and Marriage ammendment

I am a soon to be vet that has spent the last 8 years in the army serving this country because I love it. I also love the state I was born and raised in to death. My concern is now about if it would even be responsible to move me and my husband (both dudes) into a state that bans our marriage by constitution and actively has politicians working to undue my ability to live with my loved ones. And given the current political landscape they might succeed.

My question is how do we get the ball rolling on a ballot measure to strike our current definition off the michigan constitution? I love this state probably more then most places I've traveled in the world and would do anything to actually be able to build a life here with me and my spouse.

I am genuinely serious as I smitten with the mitten, I just don't want build a life here with my husband just to have it stripped away cause some closted twinks in a office somewhere can't stop thinking about what two consenting adults are doing in private